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Main page The photos were made during the author expeditions. They are shortly commented by G.Taran. The comments are ended with a name of a photo author. The photos are intended only for personal use. Another use is possible only with written permission of the site author. 07.05.2001. The albums' design was changed. Now the albums are downloaded much more quick. The preview of the photos with appearing comment is accessible. Feedback Guest Book Photoalbum 1: Mosses and liverworts (2 photos) Photoalbum 2: Floodplain ephemers and other annuals (16 photos) Photoalbum 3: Perennial hydrophytes (2 photos) Photoalbum 4: Perennial and biennial helophytes and amphibious plants (20 photos) Photoalbum 5: Perennial hydromesophytes and mesophytes (18 photos) Photoalbum 6: Trees and shrubs (7 photos) Photoalbum 7: Lake and channel communities, fens and meadows (16 photos) Photoalbum 8: Forests and shrubs (17 photos) Photoalbum 9: Floodplain views and relief forms (17 photos) |